Thursday, June 7, 2012

I move to Hungary and become a singer...

A funny thing about living in a foreign country is that because you are a is often assumed that you have a wonderful singing voice. I still haven't pinpointed the underlying reason for this, but it is a working theory of mine. I am told all the time that my accent is wonderful and that I must be a singer, which if you know me is not true and so random but I am not going to tell anyone the truth.
So when one of my coworkers approached me about singing along with the student band at their ball last Friday, I was not surprised and was also not going to pass up that opportunity. Who gets to do something like that in their life???

Now you get to experience it too...
Go to 23:00 is where my song begins...

You can hear him introduce me saying "and now for the star of the night, Abby Welbourn!" and yes the students are chanting my name. It was surreal. I was channeling my inner rock star for this. 
Sorry the footage looks a little early 90's and it is quite difficult to see but you can get the gist.

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Sarah Grace Welbourn
Feb 7
to meDavidJoanLeahMarkSteveGeorgeHannahWeeatgoodJoan
Hahahaa. This is my favorite thing you have ever done. Only you could go to a country where you don't know anyone and then have the whole room full of strangers chanting your name in less than a year.

You guys: SPOILER ALERT! Abby sings "Let It Be" in this video...and someone crowd surfs after it. Bwahahaha.
Love yall
Joan Welbourn
Feb 7
to SarahmeDavidLeahMarkSteveGeorgeHannahWeeatgoodJoan
This video is amazing!  Abby you are so cute and wonderful!  How brave of you to become a singer for the
evening.  I know all your sessions with Singstar on Play
Station must have really helped you prepare for this
opportunity.   I also enjoyed the dance performance at the end of the video to "Hit the Road Jack" which is a song from the 40s or 50s.  The low lighting reminded me
of watching a documentary.  I liked how everyone was
having fun, and no one was drinking, doing drugs, throwing up or dirty dancing.  Love from your fan, Mom

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