Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Since the Goulash

It is evident that writing may not exactly be my passion, but in a random thought I decided to check out my blog. Ha that is a funny thought. Someone reading through their own blog posts, because they don't know what they wrote, well that is exactly what I just did. I have been a little lost (get it---Lost&Found) from the blog world since I arrived here in Miskolc a little over 5 months ago.
Here is the issue at hand...I want to update you but oh where to begin? How can I relay all of the things that happened in such a long time and make it really meaningful for you? It is difficult.
As I mentioned in previous posts, the purpose of this blog is to highlight the "losts" and "founds" of my life. As they are an inevitable part of any life and sometimes not really considered.
I will start the story of my adventures with a list of "lost" and a list of "found."

LOST: (when I get confused because of the culture)
anytime my German co-worker speaks to me in German, Hungarian, or his version of English
when I pressed the emergency stop button on the tram and it stopped in the middle of the road
when speaking with an art student who told me he wanted to "draw" me and days later I found that he wanted to draw me nude
realizing I had been asking people "where is the _____(insert person's name)" as if to say they are an object
calling myself "a loser" in Hungarian when I thought I was saying "badass"
telling someone I like your "hair" when I actually said "fat"
not fitting inside of a very crowded tram, stepping out of it only to be ushered back inside by other passengers and a precious Hungarian grandmother putting her arms around me like a human seatbelt
almost-falling down the steps of a tram, only to see a man waiting at the bottom with outstretched arms in case it did happen (My hero!)
being so confused with a woman speaking Hungarian to me at the checkout line of the grocery store, only to find that she was asking me how to say "lime" IN ENGLISH!
realizing that I had been washing my clothing with fabric softener for the first few months of living in Hungary
missing my train in Budapest not one but two times in a row and the second time I was sitting on a bench next to the train I needed to ride (for about 30 minutes)

FOUND: (when I have peace in this new culture)
anytime I am at the orphanage and I can sit down with the children at the dinner table, reminds me of being at home
when I had a small conversation with a woman in a shop using broken Hungarian but we understood each other nonetheless
being invited by my students to numerous parties, school programs, and most recently- to sing and dance in their performance
going to a new restaurant and being able to order my food independently
being invited to my student's village and eating a traditional meal of stuffed cabbage with her family
eating Thanksgiving dinner in Hungary with my coworker and her family, which she prepared in honor of me!
being able to give someone else directions in Miskolc instead of having to be given them
whenever I go to an exercise class because I don't have to worry about language barriers
people telling me that I look like a Hungarian girl
finding heart shaped foam on the top of my cappuccino
when I learn how to cook traditional meals with my Hungarian "mom" Rita

Until next time...
which is hopefully in the near future....

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